Thursday, December 16, 2010

Trip,Birthday, etc

Hey  guys!!! I'm here to announce that tomorrow our class is going to this hockey arena for students vs teacher game!!! The trips cost was NOTING! Amazing, considering the expensive trips we had to pay for the last few months. I'm really excited because we were aloud to bring snacks to the arena. Looking forward to the bus ride, sitting with my BFF waving at strangers in car! LOL! FUN! I'll make a blog post about it when I get back from school. BTW it's also the last day tomorrow until winter break!! Totally excited. PLUS! It's my younger sister's b-day tomorrow! Shes turning 5! A huge milestone, half way from from being 10! My dad still hasn't bought her a present yet. I think he's planning to go to toys r us tonight. (Told him to get me a pack of sillybandz while there, lol) My mom is probably going to bake her a cake. I hope it doesn't turn out really sweet like today when we tried to make chocolate chip cookies... We already had a ready mix bag which we bought at the store. All we did was put water in it. No butter because i was allergic to diary products (boo-hoo) When it was done baking in the oven. The bottom of the cookie was stuck to the wax paper. It was burned hoo We had to scoop out the top of the cookie and couldn't eat the bottom. lol. we are so weird! It was so sweet I think it hurt my brain. Since my sister was running a little sick and my mom doesn't really like sweet stuff. I had to finish the cookies by myself. Thank goodness for water! Wow..this is like totally the longest post i ever did! WOOH! Okay well i seriously have to go, because I have noting else to talk about.


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