Saturday, January 15, 2011

Way Too Much Snow!!

These couple of days, it's been raining snow for gazillons of hours! A week before it was like summer! HARDLY any snow at all. Now we nearly had a snow storm. Great. While I'm writing this post, my backyard will flood with snow. No jokes. Whats going on with the weather lately? Global Warming? I can't wait for Global Warming. Don't get me wrong. The reason I WANT Global Warming is because of how warm it's probably going to be everyday. But then the earth would probably smell with carbon dioxide and there would be garbage everyone. I heard that Texas had snow for the first time EVER! And I was like, WTF? Are the cold countries going to be warm, while the warm countries be cold? Hell messed up. Imagine the Arctic, the ice would all melt and it would be one giant ocean. Yay. It would be called the Arctic Ocean or something. No longer a landmark. Sigh.  What is the world coming too? Wait about 10 years later to see how the earth is doing. Alright. Cyah ;) Comment!


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